Guardian Home Availability
We will be looking for a guardian home for a female puppy from one of our upcoming litters. If you are interested in being a Guardian Home for a puppy please email us so we can get the process started. This is different than adopting a puppy from us. Read below for some info on what it means to be a guardian home.
At Rooster Valley Golden Retrievers, in an effort to expand our breeding program, but ensure that our breeding dogs get the maximum amount of interaction with their families, we have implemented our Guardian Home Dog Program. For several years we tried to come up with a way to expand our breeding program, but struggled with the idea of having too many dogs that would get too little of our time. We believe we have found a good solution that benefits not only us, but the family that may not be able to afford to purchase or want to pay the going rate for a healthy AKC Registered Golden Retriever.
A guardian home a is family that receives a top quality breeding puppy to become a member of their family. At eight weeks of age, a top-quality puppy will be sent home to an approved guardian family. There is no charge for the puppy. In exchange, the family agrees to follow the conditions as written in our Guardian Home Contract while it is in our breeding program. When the dog is retired from breeding (after a maximum of four litters), the dog would be spayed/neutered and full AKC Registration and ownership is transferred to the Guardian family. The dog remains with its family to continue his/her life with them.
Live within a reasonable driving distance to Modesto, CA (transportation to and from Rooster Valley Goldens is the responsibility of the Guardian Family).
The dog must live in the house a majority of the time.
Have a fully secured and fenced back yard.
Feed Life's Abundance All Life Stage Dog Food or a dog food pre-approved by Rooster Valley Goldens.
Give NuVet and NuJoint vitamin supplements daily.
Have no other intact dogs of the opposite sex in the home.
Provide socialization and basic obedience at home or from obedience classes.
Understand the issues and responsibilities of caring for an intact breeding dog, and if in doubt, be willing to call and discuss any questions with us.
Agree to provide regular health and veterinary care and keep vaccinations current.
Communicate freely with us about the health and conditions of the dog.
Provide photos and updates of the dog to us.
Agree to the following until the puppy has reached its full bone growth (around 2 years of age) so that we can insure that the health of the joints are not compromised due to environment:
Provide regular exercise for the dog and don't overfeed so the dog maintains a healthy weight.​
Limit the intensity of running, for example: running long distance, playing intense/long games of fetch.
Limit the jumping in/out of vehicles which puts stress on the elbow joints.
Keep the dog on the first floor of the home so that the dog is not going up and down stairs, which puts strain on growing joints.
The choice of a Guardian Family is entirely the decision of Rooster Valley Goldens and will be determined after a Questionnaire is completed, and a discussion has been had. Not all interested families are chosen as we need to ensure that our breeding dogs are placed in the right families that fully understand the process. If you are interested in the possibility of becoming a Guardian Family, we encourage you to read over our Guardian Family Contract and then email, text or call us.